Thursday, June 3, 2010


I love the atmosphere when there are fireworks in the air. You can hear the gasping and cheers from young and old alike, you can see the colorful flames forming beautiful patterns in the sky and you can definitely see the tiny sparkles that remains in the eyes of the children after every show.

The only sad thing is that there are too little opportunities to take fireworks in Singapore, although I have to admit that things are picking up.

This was taken on National Day 2008. Tried to include the landscape but the photo is a bit slanted.

This was captured during the Arts' Festival Fireworks show in Yishun. I liked this shot beacause it gave me the image of a pheonix undergoing its resurrection.

National Day 2009. Again, I tried to include other objects so as to enhance the photo. I liked the reflection of the colours in the stream of water from the Merlion's mouth.

My favourite shot to date. I liked how the fireworks mimic the shape of the palm trees. To think that I was actually cursing myself for not going earlier and getting a 'better' position. Sometimes, being blocked is a good thing... haha